Introduction Of The Demand Control Solutions To Beginners

Demand control systems help homeowners and business owners in The United States of America to reduce their electric bill. In this post, we will help you understand some terms related to demand control solutions and how it works to lower electric bills.

What is peak demand?

Before calculating peak demand, you should first break up the usage of the customer into increments of 30 minutes and choose the increment with the highest value over a month. The value increases due to electric facility usage.

Determining customer power contracts

Customer power contracts in America can be determined based on actual volume. The power contract value becomes the peak demand from the past year for 500kW power contract customers. This includes the present month. Contracted power increases in concert with peak demand. We can calculate basic charges based on the power contract value. Reducing the peak demand reduces demand charges.

Demand control

The demand control system solution is a system where the inhibition of peak demand reduces the power contract. This is based on the actions of the customer in controlling the usage of electricity and setting the target value.

System outline

Demand control monitors the use of electricity, records and manages the demand value. We have two types of control systems: automatic and manual.

Automatic control type

This is a system that controls the electric facilities automatically. Based on the preset prioritization of facilities, the system automatically controls and issues out alarm alerts to ensure that the designated target is not exceeded.

Manual control type

This is a type of demand control systems in America that uses alarm. When the usage of electricity becomes close to exceeding the set target, the system sets off an alert alarm. Unlike the automatic type, the manual type will need the intervention of someone to control the electric facility to avoid exceeding the designated target.
